erilainen kesto
Tiedustele räätälöidyistä matkoista, jotka täyttävävt vaatimuksiasi, yksityisille matkustajille tai ryhmille.

Räätälöidyt Matkat Venäjällä
Venäjä on iso maa, jossa on useita matkavaihtoehtoja. Joskus pakettimatkojen ehdot eivät sovi asiakkaille eivätkä täytä vaatimuksiaan.
Räätälöidyn matkan etuna on se, että matka on suunniteltu erityisesti sinua varten. Voit vierailla sinua kiinnostavilla kohteilla omaan tahtiin, ja voit valita sinulle sopivan majoitustyypin ja kuljetustavan.
Me olemme järjestäneet tälläiset matkat vuodesta 2001.
Ota meihin yhteyttä ja kerro meille matkasi ideoista. Meillä on kokemusta ja osaamista laatia toiveillasi perustuvaa matkaohjelmaa. Muokkaamme aina ohjelmaa siten, että kaikki asiakkaan tarpeet otetaan huomioon. Meidän asiantuntijamme keskustelevat teidän kansaa kaikista yksityiskohdista ja tarjoavat matkan vaihtoehdot.
Silloin kun matkaohjelma on laadittu, siirrymme varausvaiheeseen.
Ole hyvä ja kirjoita meille sähköpostitse tai tidustele netin sivumme kautta.
Dear Konstantin,
Back already into the "sunny" Barcelona, I want to thank you very, very much, for all the asistance that you provide us during our recent trip into Russia.
All of us, were fully satisfied with your organization, with all your correspondants during the trip, and for the perfect handling of all the details! you are a great profesional!
When, at the end of the summer, I return back to the meetings with friends, magazines and clubs on the tourist area, centainly I recommend your company as one of the best for organizing "tailored" trips into Russia.
It was a pleasure to can meet you personally at the Karelia Hotel, and I hope that we will be in contact in the next future, with the requirement of new and interesting places into your country.
Please send also our congratulations to all your people and staff! they have been excellent!
If in the future, you also can need any information or if you hace any requirement from us, please do not heasitate to contact me again!
Best regards, and a very good business too!
Dear Sir,
I want to thank you for the excellent planning of our trip. There was not the slightest mistake.
My son and I got marvellous impressions of russia, with would not be possible without the help
of your bureau and Tatjana.
I will recommend your office.
Yours sincerely,
Hello Konstantin,
We got home late yesterday evening and I am just writing to thank you for arranging such a wonderful trip for us. Your organisation and efficiency are amazing - all the drivers and guides turned up exactly on time and everything worked like clockwork!
We were particularly impressed with the quality of the guides who were all extremely knowledgeable and of course Dimitri speaking English so well made a big difference to the Golden Ring part of the tour. You were right about the hotel in Suzdal by the way - it is a very special place - and Dimitri persuaded us to try a Russian banya whilst we were there. The sleeper to Novgorod was truly memorable and we're really pleased we decided to pay the extra for the de-luxe cabin - it was well worth it.
Sorry about the mix-up on arrival in St. Petersburg - but it was so reassuring to know that you were at the other end of the telephone line and able to sort things out so smoothly.
So thank you again - it was a pleasure to deal with you and if we come to Russia again in the future we shall not hesitate to book with you again. I shall also recommend you to all my friends!
Best regards,